My Doll Diary

Daily thoughts of an avid doll collector.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wow! Its been a long time until tomorrow.

O.K.  Here we go again.  Another attempt at trying to do daily updates to this blog.  Lets see if it works this time.  At least this time its only been 10 months and not 5 years!

I'm going to try not to spend so much time thinking of specific doll related topics to discuss.  Instead, I'm just going to free-form type what is going through my head.  I've read other blogs like this and I'm always amazed at how similar my thoughts and musings are to these other collectors.  Its like, "Wow, someone else's head is full of the same doll thoughts and dillemmas that I have gone through today.  I guess I'm not the only crazy person in this world!  LOL!"  It's always somewhat comforting and theraputic to come to that realization, so I hope some of you will also benefit from my rambles.

I think it will be best if I just re-cap the day.  I plan to usually blog in the evening, but since I'm writing this right now on a Sunday morning, I'll give you a run through of Saturday.

Yesterday started by going out to get my hair cut with my daughter Ashley.  After we made a trip to Walmart under the guise of getting a throwcover for a chair in my livingroom and some school supplies for her.  In reality, our main purpose was to check out the doll aisle.  Nothing really new in the Barbie section.  (When are they going to come out with some new outfits?  They seem to have had the same stuff out now forever!)  I showed Ashley the new Holiday Barbie which I had already seen before.  I think she is a little bit more simple and understated this year, but very pretty!  Beats the heavily made-up and fake eyelashed racoon look they have been doing on her the past few years!  I never buy Holiday Barbies (have stayed away from them since their inception in 1988).  To me they have always seemed too overdone with their poofy dresses and hair.  I'm just not into that kind of look.  However, I may just get this one if I find it on sale really cheap somewhere.  (See her photo below.)

2010 Holiday Barbie
So back to the Walmart doll aisle....the next dolls that we see are the new LIV's.  We already have the complete set of dolls from the first wave.  We also have the second wave Daniella with her dog which we have customized with new eyes (we've named her "Audrey")  as well as another first wave Sophie with new eyes (new name "Emily").  We immediately notice the new lower frills and lower priced "School's Out" versions.  There is a Sophie and a Daniella there for $13.99 each.  We immediately agree that we will get a Sophie because she look so much less "bug eyed" that then she has in the previous waves.  She's also wearing a really cute outfit with a plaid skirt.  No extra wig, but definitely a good deal for the price!

2010 - LIV - School's Out Sophie

We then notice the new "Hayden" doll in the new "Outdoor/Nature" LIV series.  She is pretty, but we can see her plastic wig cap.  Later we realize she would look better once her hat was on.  Anyway, we decided to pass on her right now and get an acessory set with glasses and a scarf which is on sale for $4.97.

We checked around for more doll items in the clearance aisle.  They have marked down the Barbie Basic's to $13.99 which is a good deal.  Decided to pass on buying any more for now.  (We have 7 from Series 1 and all four dolls from series 1.5)  Some other repro Barbies were also on clearance but were really no great deal in our opinion.  The teacher and astronaught were still $30.00 when they were originally $35.00.  The 1964 Blonde Swirl Ponytail was $44.95.  I think that was its original price.  How can they call that a clearance?  I'm thankful I got that same doll last week on Amazon for a total of $29.00 which included the shipping.

For some reason I've been crushing on the Barbie repros lately.  Not sure why.  It all started when I decided to spring for the new 1965 Brunette American Girl repro (which I have been waiting for since the sadly lacking "Poodle Parade" repro from 1996).  Since then I have picked up the 1962 Brunette Bubble Cut Repro,  the 1964 Swirl Ponytail Repro that I mentioned above, and the Barbie and Ken Campus Spirit set which should get here on Monday (will go well with the Midge and Allan Campus Sweetshop set that I got on-sale at Barbie Collector a few months back.) 

1965 My Favorite Barbie - American Girl Repro

I think its all part of my master plan to make clothing from the original vintage Advance sewing patterns which I purchased copies of on CD a few months back.  I was inspired by a Haute Doll article from last year which showed outfits someone made from these patterns.  I've been hoarding vintage look fabric lately (made a second trip to Saffler's fabrics in two weeks to buy more.)  I hope to FINALLY make some outfits today and will report back on my results!

Got to run, but can't leave without mentioning my new dolly true love....Momoko.  You'd think with all this Barbie and LIV talk, that I'd have no room for other dolls.  Well, that's just not true.  Momoko captured my heart about two months ago when I finally broke down and ordered one after eyeing them for several years.  Since then, not a day goes by that I don't say to myself, "I LOVE my Momoko's....sigh!"  They make me want to ditch all my other dolls and replace them with all Momoko's  (well, not really but if a fire came and consumed my entire collection and I was only able to save my Momoko's, then I would still be happy.....o.k.  the fire would have to also spare all my Barbie outfits so my Momoko's could wear them, but other than that, they are really all I need.)  Those Japanese really know how to hook you!

I bring my 2007 "Silver Crescent" Momoko (remamed "Emma") and my 2008 "Twighlight Fiance" Momoko (renamed "Eva") with me to work every day and pose them at my desk.  I try to change their clothes to a new Barbie outfit each day too.  They are just beyond cute!  So posable, so sweet!  I can't say enough about them!  Eva is actually my absolute favorite.  She looks great in everything with her brunette pixie haircut and red lips.  Vintage yet modern at the same time.  I never thought I'd find a doll that I truly love as much ."Tiny Kitty" has certainly come close.  She will always hold a special place in my heart. But Momoko is the absolute dolly ideal!  She's everything I love about dolls in one little package!

Here are pics of my two little darlings. 

2007 Silver Crescent Momoko
2008 Twighlight Fiance Momoko - Special Edition
Now I've really got to run!  I can't believe how long this post has become!  Talk to you soon!



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