My Doll Diary

Daily thoughts of an avid doll collector.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The best laid plans...

O.K.  So I'm back on this blog again today.  Wow, two days in a row!  Amazing!  I have to admit that this blog is part of a plan to better organize my doll collecting.  A few times a year I get it in me to put structure around my hobby so I feel like I'm putting the most into it for all the money I've "invested" in my collection.  Truthfully, its just another round-about way to justify my doll purchases. So here is the latest plan:

  • Schedule regular updates of my previously abandoned blogs/journals:  "My Doll Diary", "B's Blog", and "Tiny Kitty's Doll Journal"
  • Schedule regular clothing changes for my favorite dolls (daily, weekly, monthly, etc)
  • Schedule regular display appearances for dolls which have been stored away.
Not listed in the above, but ever present in the plan are regular updates to my doll websites.  A few months ago I planned to update at least a page a day on my website.  For a couple of weeks, I did really well, then I just found myself too tired after work to keep up.  I need to get back to that.  A page a day may not seem like much at all, but truthfully on average a page takes approximate 30 to 45 minutes to complete, not counting the time previously taken to photograph the dolls.  That's alot of time for a single page!  I don't think people realize how much work goes into it.  Here is the list of the common things that need to be done:

  • Find and select all photos for the page.  Usually includes company produced stock photos as well as photos I've taken of my own dolls.
  • Resize photos for the website.  Normal digital camera photos are way too large.
  • Copy photos to the Frontpage website folders.
  • Upload photos to the webserver.
  • Find an existing page on my site to use as a template.
  • Enter filenames for all the pictures.
  • Enter any additional text descriptions on the page.
  • Preview page and make adjustments.
Phew!  I'm tired just thinking about it! 

Well, that's enough about the logical and technical details for this hobby of mine.  I promise that my future posts will be more fun and will include photos of my dolls and thoughts about doll things that I have seen or want.

Until tomorrow....



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